Nov 1 2019
macOS Catalina & MLA Update
Now that macOS Catalina (10.15) has been released, please remember that the current and previous Moving Light Assistant versions will not run on macOS Catalina. Moving Light Assistant is a 32 bit application and Apple have removed support for 32 bit applications in their latest operating system update.
Moving Light Assistant v1.4, which is a 64 bit application and compatible with macOS Catalina, is in limited beta testing currently and hopefully will be fully released before the end of the year. Hopefully, there will be a public beta version available fairly soon. The move from 32 bit to 64 bit has been a huge project. Progress has been good and pretty much everything is done apart from the implementation of a new reporting engine (to generate PDF documents). Once the new reporting engine has been implemented, MLA v1.4 will be available for public beta.
MLA v1.4 will be first aimed at only macOS. There will not be any major new features and show documents will be backward and forward compatible with MLA v1.3.2.
If you have upgraded to macOS Catalina and need to use MLA, email requesting access to the current beta. As mentioned, there is no reporting in the current beta versions. You may also consider using virtualisation or create a separate bootable drive/partition to run macOS Mojave and continue using MLA v1.3.2 for the time being.
Dec 31 2019
Moving Light Assistant v1.4 Public Beta
A public beta of MLA v1.4 for macOS is now available on the Download page. This version does work with macOS Catalina. The beta currently does not have the ability to produce PDF or print out reports. This will come in a later beta version as it requires a complete rewrite. As of macOS 10.15.2 there do appear to be issues with the Canon drivers not working. I have also seen issues with Image Capture too. Prior macOS versions are apparently fine. There is a read me file in the ‘Help’ folder of the download with details of the beta. Please read this.